
I have attended the following events/meetings/conferences. Where I presented at them, links to the slide or poster PDFs are given.


Research Frontiers lecture series, Imperial College London, February


Swiss SKA Days 2024, Geneva, Switzerland, September
International Astronomical Union General Assembly 2024, online & Cape Town, South Africa, August
Presentation: Scalable hybrid approaches to ensure equitable access for all sizes of astronomy events (invited)
Poster: The potential impact of satellite constellations on Cosmic Microwave Background experiments (Peel et al.), NASA ADS
Poster: The IAU CPS SatHub: Updates on observation campaigns, services and software to mitigate satellite constellation interference (Eggl et al.), NASA ADS
Poster: List of radio astronomy stations as a database for sharing and compatibility studies (Sorokin et al.), NASA ADS
Poster: The Future of Meetings in astronomy: reflections on lessons learned from TFOM (Moss et al.), NASA ADS
Wikimania 2024, Katowice, Poland, August
UK Transients 2024, University of Leicester, July


Imperial Astronomy Jamboree, London, December
Wikidata Lab 39, NeuroMat, São Paulo, Brasil, November
Presentation and workshop: Structuring the Wikimedia Ecosystem
GLAM-WIKI 2023, Montevideo, Uruguay, November
Panel: Sip and chat with the Wikimedia Foundation
INPE seminar, São Jose dos Campos, Brasil, November
WikiIndaba, Agadir, Morocco, November
Cadi Ayyad University seminar, Marrakech, Morocco, November
Simons Observatory Analysis Working Groups meeting, Online, October
IAC research seminar, Tenerife, Spain, September
Swiss SKA Days 2023, online attendance, September


Galactic science and CMB foregrounds, IAC, Tenerife, December
Wikimedia España Jornadas 2022, Almería, Spain, November
Presentation: Wikidata Integration
AstronEra: Satellite constellations: a hurdle for astronomy, World Space Week, Online, October
Wikimania, Online, August
Session organiser: Constraint-a-thon
Cosmology Jamboree, IAC, Tenerife, June
Presentation: Status of GroundBIRD
Día de Nuestra Ciencia, IAC, Tenerife, June
University of the Arts London, London College of Communication, Online, May
Presentation as part of the ‘Computational Communities and Professional Platforms’ course: Wikimedia Bots
Cosmoglobe, Online, May
Presentation: GroundBIRD status, Youtube
Wikidata Data Use Days, Online, March
Presentation: Wikidata Infobox on Commons
Lightning talk: Notability


Wikidatacon, Online, October
Dark & Quiet Skies 2, Online, October
Wikidata Data Quality Days, Online, September
Presentation: Cross-checking on-wiki: visibility, duplication, migration
Workshop: Constraint-a-thon
Wikimania, Online, August
Panel discussion: Integrating Wikidata into the Wikimedia projects (panel convener)
SATCON2, Online, July
Part of ‘Observations’ working group, presented on the impact of satellite constellations on radio astronomy
Cosmoglobe, Online, June


Wikidata Lab XXVI, Online, December
Panel presentation: “Structured Citations Module in Wikipedia”
CMB systematics and calibration focus workshop, Online, November
BeyondPlanck, Online, November
Wikicite, Online, October
Dark and Quiet Skies, Online, October
dotDotAstronomy, Online, August
Celtic Knot Conference, Online, July


Wikidatacon, Berlin, Germany, October
Panel presentation: “Wikidata Infoboxes”
Wikimania, Stockholm, Sweden, August
Panel presentation: “Wikidata Infoboxes”
Presentation: “Challenges when going on photo walks”


CMB foregrounds for B-mode studies, IAC, Tenerife, October
Invited review presentation on Anomalous Microwave Radiation
Wikidata Lab X, Neuromat, São Paulo, September
Presentation and workshop: “Writing bots on Wikidata”
21cm Cosmology in the 21st Century, INPE, São Jose dos Campos, Brazil, August
Tremendous Radio Arrays, BNL, Long Island, USA, August
Presentation: “BINGO site selection”
Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira General Assembly, São Paulo, July
Wikimania, Cape Town, South Africa, July
IAGUSP, São Paulo, March
Invited colloquium: “BINGO: Baryon acoustic oscillations from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations”


Wikidata Lab II, Neuromat, São Paulo, November
Presentation and workshop: “Wikidata Lists using Listeria”
Wikidatacon, Berlin, Germany, October
Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira General Assembly, São Paulo, September
Poster: “The BINGO Telescope: Instrument Description”
SPAnet Radio Astronomy Workshop, São Paulo, September
Presentation: “The rules of BINGO: The technical requirements and how to meet them”
Wikimedia Conference, Berlin, March-April


Wikimania 2016, Esino Lario, Italy,, June
Presentation: Wikidata in Wikipedia
AME Workshop, ESTEC, Noordwijk, June


Wikimania 2015, Mexico City, July
RAS National Astronomy Meeting, Llandudno, UK, 5-9 July


SpotOn Unconference 2014, London, UK, 14-15 November
Parrs Wood Sixth Form, Manchester, UK, November
ZooCon, Portsmouth, UK, 13 September
Wikimania 2014, London, UK, August
Wikimedia Conference, Berlin, Germany, April


Wikimania 2013, Hong Kong, 7-11 August
The Universe as seen by Planck, ESTEC, Netherlands, April
Presentation, “The Andromeda Galaxy as seen by Planck”
University of Glasgow, UK, January


Manchester AME workshop, Manchester, UK, July
Presentation, “AME limits on extragalactic sources from Planck”
IPAC, Pasadena, July
Invited colloquium: The emission of galaxies at 1-1000GHz: Searching for anomalous microwave emission
Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, July
Seminar: The emission of galaxies at 1-1000GHz: Searching for anomalous microwave emission
Wikimania 2012, Washington D.C., 12-15 July
National Astronomy Meeting, Manchester, UK, March
Bright Club Manchester, UK, March
Comedy: Wikipedia ‘Histories’
Presentation: Radio to infrared spectra of late-type galaxies with Planck and WMAP data


Science Online London, British Library, UK, September
Panel discussions on Microattribution and How are wikis being used to carry out and communicate science?,
What is Wikimedia?
AMI day meeting, Cambridge, UK, September
Presentation:OCRA-AMI synergies
Investigating Academic Impact, London School of Economics, UK, June
Panel discussion on “Innovative Methods for Impact and Engagement”; talking about impact via Wikipedia
Understanding Galactic and extragalactic foregrounds: A road to success for cosmological experiments, Zadar, Croatia, May
dotAstronomy, Oxford, UK, 4-8 April
Presentation: Wikipedia and Astronomy
Cancer Research UK, London, UK, February


Wikimania 2010, Gdansk, Poland, 9-11 July
Art of the Digital London, London, UK, October
Presentation: Wikimedia and Cultural Partnerships


RadioNet 2nd Engineering Forum Workshop Multi-Pixel Camera Receivers, Bonn, Germany, November
Introductory class, Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, UK, November
Science at Q band, Manchester, UK, September
Science Online London, Royal Institute, UK, August
Panel discussion: Science and Wikimedia, Citizen science – How the web enables anyone to be a scientist
Oxford University, Oxford, UK, April
Invited talk, The statistics of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting (JENAM), University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK, April


CMB component separation and the physics of foregrounds, Pasadena, USA, July
Poster (in abstentia): OCRA: The One Centimetre Receiver Array
Presentation (in abstentia, given by Richard Davis): OCRA: The One Centimetre Receiver Array
Clover analysis meeting, Oxford, UK, July


NovemberUK Cosmology Meeting, UCL, UK
OctoberInternal Symposium, Jodrell Bank, UK
Presentation: Modelling and observing the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect in clusters of galaxies
SeptemberYoung European Radio Astronomers Conference (YERAC), Bordeaux, France
Presentation: Modelling and observing the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect in clusters of galaxies
SeptemberFirst Annual School of the EU Network “UniverseNet”, Lesvos, Greece
SeptemberModern Radio Universe, Manchester, UK
AprilRAS NAM, Lancaster, UK


OctoberJBCA Internal Symposium, Jodrell Bank, UK
SeptemberPPARC Summer School, Milton Keynes, UK